Want Your Contact Lenses To Stop Irritating Your Eyes?

Want Your Contact Lenses To Stop Irritating Your Eyes?If you struggle with your contact lenses, and they unfortunately continue to irritate your eyes, there are certain suggestions and tips that you can implement to help stop this problem from happening.

It is really annoying when contact lenses are constantly irritating the eyes. This contact lens irritation is of those things that doesn’t let up and it really disrupts vision.

Since we don’t want to see you go through this struggle any longer, we decided to put together this brief article and guide to help you eliminate the irritation that contact lenses can sometimes bring.

So, let’s get into some great contact lens care tips that should help you right away…

Am I Following the Correct Procedure for Putting on My Contact Lenses?

This is the first question you need to ask yourself when dealing with irritation caused by contact lenses.

Because honestly, you might be causing the problem yourself without even knowing it.

When you purchased your contact lenses, they most likely came with a set of instructions. You want to read over those instructions to find out if you are putting them on your eyes correctly.

If you no longer have the instructions for whatever reason, then you should either contact the eye doctor you bought them from or the retail store or website from which you purchased them.

Get a hold of a new set of instructions, so you can look them over thoroughly to see if you are making any foolish mistakes on your own.

You’d be surprised how easy it is to make a mistake when putting on contact lenses, without even really knowing that you’re doing so.

So read the instructions and check to see if any mistakes are being made on your part.

Here are some of the potential issues that might be happening…

  • You are not replacing the lenses on the proper schedule
  • You are wearing the lenses to bed although it’s not recommended
  • You are using lenses for a longer period of time than recommended
  • You are wearing your lenses even though the prescription has run out and it’s recommended that you get a new set of contacts
  • You are potentially damaging your eyes and causing long-term loss of eyesight unintentionallyIf any of the issues above seem like they might ring true to you, then it’s important to get back on the right schedule so that you do not cause any further damage or irritation to your eyesight.

Eyesight is a very sensitive issue, and it’s easy to make mistakes with your contact lenses which could unfortunately harm your vision instead of actually helping it. Here’s a video that further explains the importance of proper contact lens care.

We are not sure how you feel, but the last thing you would ever want to do is accidentally damage your vision because you didn’t follow the rules properly.

What Are Some Eye Conditions That Might Take Place in Which I Will Need to See an Eye Care Specialist?

There will potentially come a time when your contact lenses fit great, they are working fantastic and you really feel good about the whole situation.

And yet, you will start to develop eye conditions that you really can’t pinpoint and you aren’t sure how to handle these problems.

It’s okay if this happens, and it’s important that you see an eye care specialist when these issues arise.

Plus, if you have certain pre-existing eye problems, you’ll have a tough time getting the right contact lenses to suit you.

Let’s take a look at some of the pre-existing conditions now, which you should certainly know about ahead of time…

  • Presbyopia
  • Keratoconus
  • Eyes that are dry
  • Suffering from astigmatism
  • Dealing with giant papillary conjunctivitis
  • A need for contact lenses after LASIK surgery

If you know ahead of time that you have struggled in the past with any of the issues mentioned above, then it’s important you see an eye care specialist before you choose prescription lenses.

Moist Colored Contact LensesThis is something we always recommend, especially if you are planning to purchase tinted contact lenses and you haven’t received a new prescription in a while.  It’s always better to have a qualified medical professional tell you what daily wear colored contact lenses are perfect for your condition.

For all you know, something may have changed with your vision and the way that your eyes function, and you might need a different prescription or contact lens recommendation to help make up for the change that’s taken place since your last eye doctor visit. For example, if your eyes get irritated easily, your doctor may need to prescribe moist disposable contact lenses.

Ultimately, if you are suffering from contact lens irritation or any of the conditions mentioned throughout this article, then your eye doctor or eye care specialist will be able to help you with these problems.

Just let them know the issues that you are dealing with, and have them recommend specific lenses or things you can do to help you lessen the irritation that you feel. It’s really the best way to deal with this issue.